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individual/ team projects

Individual/Team Projects

Throughout the two-year program, students have an opportunity to do numerous team and individual projects that simulate real-world scenarios.  Students are given project specifications to follow and are presented with a design challenge that they must complete within those specs.

In the first semester, students in the CAD 120 class learn basics of drawing and technical/engineering sketching. They learn a number of different varying artistic styles and techniques including: hatching, stippling, cartooning, shading and drawing caricatures. Individual weekly drawings allow the student to concentrate on subject matter related to their specialization.

Second and third semester projects focus the student toward class-specific material and provide a great teaching opportunity for the students from peer-to-peer.

By the time students reach the fourth semester, they have been immersed in at least a dozen software programs and thousands of pages of standards and industry-related material. This is the “Show Me” semester where the student takes advantage of past and current knowledge to work in both a team project environment (CAD 242), an individual final semester project (CAD 203) and put together a first-class portfolio and resume, in addition to learning interviewing skills for their job search.

Individual Final Projects

Aircraft Carrier
Aircraft Carrier
Old Car
Break Assembly
Focke Wulf
Full Chassis
Smith Wesson Gun
Full Assembly
Switch Casing Detail Sheet
Jupiter Dimensions
Power Slide
Old Car
Lavochkin La5-FN
Valve Assembly
News Live-WDBJ 7
P38 Plane
P38 Front
 student project P40
P40 Sheet
Parts Sheet
Ruger P90DC Full Assembly
Steel Window Break Away
Sword Fight
Diamond Stack Steam Locomotiv
College Education Advertisement

Team Projects

Box Open
SUV Bike Mount
Exploded Animation
Mechno Door
Mechno Door 1
Mechno Door 2
PTO Storage Solution

Engineering Design Technology Contact Information

General questions and requests about Engineering Design Technology should be directed to Jeff Levy 1-866-462-6722, extension 4362, or (540) 674-3600, extension 4362.
You may also email jlevy@kongtiao11.com.

Engineering Design Technology Faculty

Call (540) 674-3600 or toll-free 1-866-462-6722, then you will be prompted to add the extension number to reach any employee.

Douglas Conner


Adjunct Instructor

Employee Photo

Tim Downey


Adjunct Instructor

Employee Photo

Jeff Levy


Instructor of Drafting/EDT Program Head

Employee Photo

Zach Wehr


Adjunct Instructor

 No Picture of Employee


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十大网赌软件推荐 IN DUBLIN:

  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
  •  Directions


  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
  •  Directions
  •  More...

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